Research by UGM Lecturer with Geoinformation Students Reveals Sustainable Agricultural Opportunities in Karst Areas

From June to August, a research team from the Graduate School of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) led by Bayu Dwi Apri Nugroho, STP, M.Agr., Ph.D, IPU, ASEAN Eng.. conducted research on the assessment of land potential in the doline valley in the Gunungsewu karst area to support agricultural development of karst and karstic areas. This research was funded by the UGM Graduate School Lecturer Research Grant in 2024.

Gunungkidul karst area is considered marginal due to limited water which causes suboptimal agricultural cultivation. This condition has a direct impact on the local economy and threatens local
food security. However, the doline valley in this area has potential to be developed to support sustainable agriculture in karst areas. read more