Lufti Gita Iriani, the young generation of Kulon Progo Regency who was born on April 14, 1993. In 2010, began studying at the Gadjah Mada University Vocational School with a concentration in the field of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems. During the study period, the desire arises to continue to a higher level of education, also encouraged by the increasing demand for educational needs in the labor market and opinions of people who underestimate D3 graduates. By following her conscience and ambition, Gita continued her studies at the Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta in 2013 with a concentration in Geography.
Starting from an interest in subjects related to disaster and several cases of disasters that often occur in Indonesia, continue to pursue knowledge in the field of disaster in the higher education level. In 2015 she obtained information about the Beasiswa Unggulan scholarship of the Ministry of Education and Culture which provided an opportunity for graduates from any university that had been accredited by BANPT – A to take a double degree program at Gadjah Mada University and ITC – University of Twente with a concentration in a field in accordance with their interests namely Geo Information for Spatial Planning and Disaster Risk Management. He and one of her friends will depart in mid-April Up until early September 2016.
“Starting with a dream, followed by effort and prayer”
With all the intention, effort, prayer and support from her parents, Gita gets a great opportunity from Allah SWT to study at the higher education level at the 2 universities. A golden opportunity to realize her biggest dream, she was interested in the tsunami danger and mitigation efforts related to the preparation of the evacuation space plan. Hopefully, the knowledge that will be gained both from ITC and Gadjah Mada University can be useful to reduce losses that occur after disasters given the lack of optimal mitigation efforts in Indonesia.